Author Archive


Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

KiCAD ERC DRC Checks Status

2024 saw the release of KiCAD version 8. This release brings a number of new features to both the user interface and the command line interface. One useful feature has been made easier to use, namely the ability to run the Electrical Rules Checks (ERC) and Design Rules Checks (DRC).

What are ERC and DRC?

ERC checks are run on the schematic and the checks verify the schematic against a number of common mistakes. Examples include:

  • Pins not connected to a net (but not marked as not connected)
  • Pin conflicts
  • Missing drivers

DRC runs against the PCB layout and checks the design rules specified in the design. These rules will vary between fabrication houses and include properties such as:

  • Minimum track width
  • Minimum track spacing
  • Hole-to-track spacing limits

Both types of check can be run through the user interface and from the command line. It is the command line interface that we will look at here as this will allow the checks to be run as part of a continuous integration pipeline (in this case a GitHub Action).

KiCAD Docker Container

Initial thoughts about running these checks is to use a docker container. This will allow the use of a script to run the same commands from the desktop as well as through CI. Luckily, the KiCAD project maintain a docker container for just this purpose.

First step, create a script file containing the two commands that we need to run the checks. Our script file will look something like this:


set -e
scriptdir="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"

kicad-cli sch erc --severity-all --exit-code-violations -o "$scriptdir/erc.rpt" Meadow-Feather-OLED.kicad_sch
kicad-cli pcb drc --severity-all --exit-code-violations -o "$scriptdir/drc.rpt" Meadow-Feather-OLED.kicad_pcb

If we save this file as say then we can run the checks from the command line using docker to run the script. The command to run the script would look something like this:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project kicad/kicad:8.0.1 ./

Note that the –platform option allows the container to run on Apple Silicon Macs as well as Intel platforms. Running the above command will show the following output:

Running ERC...
Checking sheet names...
Checking bus conflicts...
Checking conflicts...
Checking units...
Checking footprints...
Checking pins...
Checking labels...
Checking for unresolved variables...
Checking no connect pins for connections...
Checking for library symbol issues...
Checking for off grid pins and wires...
Checking for undefined netclasses...
Found 0 violations
Saved ERC Report to /project/erc.rpt
Loading board
Running DRC...
Found 0 violations
Found 0 unconnected items
Saved DRC Report to /project/drc.rpt

The script will generate two report files, one for the ERC and one for the DRC. Checking the erc.rpt file contents will, for a successful run, will show something like this:

ERC report (2024-04-22T18:38:28+0000, Encoding UTF8)

***** Sheet /

 ** ERC messages: 0  Errors 0  Warnings 0

Great, so we now have the docker container created and the report is being generated based upon the current design and PCB layout. The next step is to integrate this into a GitHub Action.

GitHub Action

The first attempt at performing the checks in a GitHub Action resulted in the following yaml file:

name: Run ERC and DRC checks

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout source code
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Run the checks
      run: docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project kicad/kicad:8.0.0 ./
      id: run-the-checks

The theory was to use the same script file in a GitHub Action as was used on the desktop. This will ensure that the checks performed are consistent on both platforms. It would also mean that only one script would need to be maintained.

“Houston We Have a Problem”

Saving a new version of the schematic and pushing the changes to GitHub ran the action and resulted in the following log entries:

11:33:55: Error: can't open file 'erc.rpt' (error 13: Permission denied)
Running ERC...
Checking sheet names...
Checking bus conflicts...
Checking conflicts...
Checking units...
Checking footprints...
Checking pins...
Checking labels...
Checking for unresolved variables...
Checking no connect pins for connections...
Checking for library symbol issues...
Checking for off grid pins and wires...
Checking for undefined netclasses...
Found 0 violations
Unable to save ERC report to erc.rpt
Error: Process completed with exit code 4.

Some time later…

After spending some time with Google and the GitHub help system yielded nothing too helpful regarding solving the issue and removing the error. It was however, discovered that someone had already created a GitHub Action to run the checks anyway. The sparkengineering/kicad-action@v1 action can be used to run the checks. The following yaml file will run the action and perform the ERC and DRC checks:

name: Run ERC and DRC checks

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout source code
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Run KiCad ERC
      id: erc
      uses: sparkengineering/kicad-action@v1
      if: '!cancelled()'
        kicad_sch: Meadow-Feather-OLED.kicad_sch
        sch_erc: true

    - name: Run KiCad DRC
      id: drc
      uses: sparkengineering/kicad-action@v1
      if: '!cancelled()'
        kicad_pcb: Meadow-Feather-OLED.kicad_pcb
        pcb_drc: true

The results of the checks can be shown on the repository home page by creating a badge for the workflow. The badge is then added to the file. The badge will show the status of the checks and will be updated each time the checks are run.


The ready built action does perform the checks required and the badge shows the results of the check workflow. While the method of running the checks are different, both will run the checks giving and indication of success or failure. The desktop script has the advantage of producing a report file that can be reviewed, along with the schematic and PCB layout, to resolve any design issues.

It was disappointing to find that the docker image could not be used within the GitHub Action. There will surely be a simple solution it is just having the time to find it.

An example of the GitHub Action script and a PCB design and layout can be found in the Meadow OLED Feather board repository.

Repeatable Deployments (Part 1)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

Repeatable Deployment Banner

A common problem in the IT world is to create a consistent environment in a repeatable manner. This is important in a number of use cases:

  • Development
  • Testing
  • Training

This series of posts will investigate using Ansible to create a consistent test environment, one that can be setup and torn down quickly and easily.

The starting point is setting up the hardware and installing the operating system (OS) which will be covered here. Subsequent posts will use Ansible to configure the system and deploy additional tools.

The Hardware

The test environment will be based around the Raspberry Pi 5 (although any version of the Pi hardware could be used). The system will be built around the following components:

  • Raspberry Pi (3, 4 or 5)
  • 256 GByte SATA SSD
  • SATA to USB adapter
  • Cooling fan (for the Raspberry Pi 5)
  • Power Supply
  • Ethernet cable
  • 3D printed mounts to bring everything together

Grabbing a Raspberry Pi 5 and putting all of this together yields something like this:

Raspberry Pi Setup

Raspberry Pi Setup

SATA SSDs have been chosen for the OS and data storage as they are both faster and more reliable than SD cards. From a cost perspective they are not too much more expensive than a quality SD card. It should be noted that recent third party addon boards are becoming available that add one or two NVMe drives to be added to the the Raspberry Pi 5 using the PCIe bus.

Write OS Image

The easiest way to create a bootable Raspberry Pi system is to use the Raspberry Pi Imager. This is a free tool that allows the selection of one of the many operating systems available for the Raspberry Pi and it can then be used to write the operating system to a SD card or HDD/SSD

The process starts by connecting the SATA to USB adapter the the SSD and then connecting the drive to the host computer. This makes the drive appear as an external USB drive.

Now start Raspberry Pi Imager:

Raspberry Pi Imager

Raspberry Pi Imager

Select the device we are going to create the image for, in this case this is the Raspberry Pi 5:

Select Device

Select Device

The next step is to decide which operating system should be installed on the SSD. There are a large number of options and the selection will depend upon what you want to achieve. In this case we can use a basic system such as Raspberry Pi OS Lite. Firstly, select the Raspberry Pi (64-bit) operating system:

Select Operating System

Select Operating System

Now refine this selection and select the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit):

Select Raspberry Pi Lite

Select Raspberry Pi Lite

A basic system will be adequate as the device is intended to be run headless and so the desktop environment and applications are not required.

Next step is to select the storage device that the image will be written to. Once this is done we can move on to providing some configuration options for the operating system.

Ready For Configuration

Ready For Configuration

Click the Next button to move on to the next step, editing the configuration.

Edit Settings

Edit Settings

Clicking Edit setting starts the editing process. The General options are presented first, here we can set the following:

  • Hostname
  • User name and password
  • WiFi access point details
Customise General Settings

Customise General Settings

SSH should be enabled in order to run the system headless. This is enabled on the Services tab:

Customise Services

Customise Services

Clicking on Save now gives the option of applying the settings and start writing the image to the SSD:

Apply Settings

Apply Settings

The final step is to verify that the SSD can be erased:

Confirm Media Erase

Confirm Media Erase

Control now passes back to the main window where the write and verification progress can be monitored:

Writing OS

Writing OS

After a short while the the process will complete and Raspberry Pi Imager wil conform that the image has been written successfully and the drive can now be disconnected from the host computer and connected to the Raspberry Pi 5:

OS Write Successful

OS Write Successful


The whole process of creating the image is straightforward and only takes a few minutes. At the end of the process the Raspberry Pi is ready to boot.

The next step will be to start the installation and configuration of additional software tools and components. Something for the next post in this series.

KiCAD Relative Positioning

Sunday, March 10th, 2024

KiCAD Positioning Banner

Most of the PCBs I make have mounting holes in the final layout to allow the boards to be firmly attached to 3D printed cases or mounts. When I first started using KiCAD I found it difficult to position the arc edge cuts around the mounting holes accurately. This was not too critical but it was a little annoying. The error in positioning the arcs was minor and is difficult to see but it would be good to fix the problem.

This was something I finally worked out in the last design I sent to manufacture and thought it would be something others might want to know about.

Board Layout

Most of my designs usually result in a square or rectangular board. The boards are simple and don’t really need to fis an irregularly shaped case. So most of the time I am trying to place a hole at the corner of say a square and then place an edge cut around the hole, something like this:

PCB with two mounting holes

PCB with two mounting holes

Placing the mounting holes is a simple case of editing the x and y positions of the mounting hole and ensuring that the holes are lined up correctly. The edge cuts are a little more difficult to position consistently when placing them by hand.

Accurate Edge Cuts

As noted above, the first stage is to place the mounting holes on a rectangular grid and using the x and y positions to place the holes. Next step is to create an arc centred on one of the mounting holes with the appropriate radius. This can be done in using the centre of the mounting holes as the starting point and then sweeping an arc through 90 degrees around the hole:

Arc and Hole

Arc and Hole

Next up we duplicate the arc, rotate it through 90 degrees and move to one of the opposite mounting holes:

Duplicated arcs

Duplicated arcs

As you can see, the duplicated arc is not centred on the opposite mounting hole. We now use the positioning tools to align the arc with the mounting hole. Start by selecting the arc and then right click to bring up the context menu and select Position Relative To… from the context menu:

Positioning context menu

Positioning context menu

From the positioning dialog click on the Select Item button:

Select item button

Select item button

Next, select the reference item, in this case it is the mounting hole:

Select the reference item

Select the reference item

The positioning dialog will now reappear with the reference item selected. Ensure that the Offset X and Offset Y are both set to 0 and click OK.

Position dialog box

Position dialog box

The arc should now move and be centred on the mounting hole.

Final arc position

Final arc position

Finally, repeat for the remaining 2 mounting holes.


This method allows for the board outline to be defined more accurately then lining up the arcs by eye. It is simple to do and only takes a few minutes to complete. The arcs can then be used as the anchors for the linear edges of the board.

This technique is also useful for positioning other parts on any design.

Photo to Pencil Drawing With Affinity Photo

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Pencil Drawing Banner

Another aide memoir, how to convert a photo into a pencil sketch using Affinity Photo. I don’t do this often and so I always forget the steps.

In the following I will refer to the Mac keystrokes which use the CMD key, on the PC use the CTRL key.

Starting Point

This example will use a photo of a working cocker spaniel:

Original Image

Original Image

The image has a reasonable amount of detail and will be a challenge.

Essential Steps

Form me, the first step when working with any photograph it to create a duplicate of the original and make sure that the original is locked.

Shortcut: CMD+J

Duplicate Layer

Duplicate Layer

Next step, invert the image on the duplicate layer.

Shortcut: CMD+I

Invert duplicate layer

Invert duplicate layer

Next up, change the blend mode of the duplicate layer to colour dodge.

Colour Dodge

Colour Dodge

The image should now turn white. Now add a Gaussian blur to the duplicate layer.

Gaussian Blur

Gaussian Blur

Use the slider to change the radius until you are happy with the effect.

Change Blur Radius

Change Blur Radius

At this point the image still has some colour in it. Adding a HSL adjustment and reducing the saturation to 0% will remove the colour.

Add HSL Adjustment

Add HSL Adjustment

Set saturation to 0%

Set saturation to 0%

The final step is to add a Levels Adjustment:

Adjust Levels

Adjust Levels

and adjust the black level:

Change the Black Level

Change the Black Level

Here is a zoomed in section of the final image:

Image post levels adjustment

Image post levels adjustment

Optional Additional Adjustments

There are some additional adjustments that can be made to give the image the appearance of an actual pencil drawing:

  • Add a paper like canvas to the image
  • Use a mask layer to paint out some of the background around the edges giving a blurred edge
  • If the edge of the image is predominantly white then maybe use the inpainting tool to remove any slightly grey areas in the background


Here is the full image with just the essential adjustments:

Final Image

Final Image

Meadow OLED PCBs

Sunday, January 28th, 2024

Meadow OLED Board Banner Image

A few weeks ago I promised an update on my experience using the PCBWay and Round Tracks plugins for KiCAD.

Well the boards are back and I must say they are looking good.

Rounded Tracks Plugin

The rounded tracks plugin certainly gives the 1970s feel to the PCBs. The batch ordered had a gloss black finish and this made the rounded effect a little difficult to see, a matt finish may have looked better or maybe even a green PCB for that real 1970s vibe.

This plugin has seen a little more use since the first order and here are a few things I have picked up:

  • Apply teardrops after using the plugin
  • Keep the original PCB layout

Adding teardrops to the board really does give the retro feel to the board. I have found that rounding the tracks after adding teardrops can leave a disjoint connection between the track at the teardrop connection to the pad.

So here is a section of the board with the rounded tracks applied after the teardrops:

Rounded Track Applied After Teardrop

Rounded Track Applied After Teardrop

This shows that the track exits the corner of the teardrop which is not ideal. Next we have the same pad with the rounded tracks applied before the teardrops:

Rounded Track Applied Before Teardrop

Rounded Track Applied Before Teardrop

The second case is certainly more aesthetically pleasing.

The plugin asks if you want to apply the changes to the current PCB or if it should create a copy. I went for the halfway house and applied the changes to the PCB, reviewed and ordered the boards and then reverted the changes. This worked well as the plugin ran in under a second and allowed the retention of the original design. It is always going to be easier to apply any changes to the PCB on a board with angular tracks than it is to apply the changes to a board with rounded tracks.

PCBWay Plugin

This plugin really made ordering the PCBs a dream. The only thing to remember is to login to your PCBWay account before attempting to use the plugin. If you do this the plugin will create and upload a ZIP file with the gerbers directly to your PCBWay account. This allows the plugin to set all of the parameters for board dimensions and layers all seamlessly.

Finished Boards

Here is a photo of the finished board connected to a Meadow F7 Micro board running a sok test:

Meadow and OLED Display

Meadow and OLED Display


The Rounded Tracks plugin is only really of interest if you want the retro 1970 look and feel to the final PCB. The PCBWay plugin is really useful as it streamlines the ordering process and removes the need to manually create the gerber files and upload them to the PCBWay website.

Trying Some New KiCad Plugins

Saturday, December 16th, 2023

Meadow PCB Header

A recent change to a PCB design has given the opportunity to try out a couple of KiCad plugins. The board is a simple one and is used to provide feedback when running network soak tests. The board is designed for the Meadow ecosystem and is a fairly simple design consisting of:

  • SSD1306 OLED display
  • Indicator LEDs
  • Reset button
  • Headers to connect the board to a Meadow board

The board has been tested and it works well. The changes doubled the number of LEDs and changed some of the components footprints.

Round Tracks

The concept behind Round Tracks is simple, take a PCB layout and give the tracks the feel of the 1970s. It does this by taking the layout and looking for any tracks that change direction. The plugin then takes these tracks and rounds the corners.

Applying this to the OLED PCBs gives the following output:

Meadow OLED PCB Feather

PCBWay Plug-in for KiCad

The next plugin is the PCBWay plugin. This should take the PCB layout and generate a zip file to upload to the PCBWay web site for manufacture. It appears to be really simple to use and starts an order for you and then uploads the files into the order.

Order submitted and now we just have to wait for the PCBs to arrive.


Manufacturing is complete and they are now on their way. There is going to be a small wait while the PCBs make their way from China to the UK and then we can see how the plugins faired.

Update to follow in a few weeks.

Python Oscilloscope Control

Friday, December 1st, 2023

Python Scope Control

For the last year or so, the goto scope in the lab has been a Rigol MSO5104. This is a 100MHz, 4 channel scope with 16 digital channels. Connectivity options include USB and wired LAN. The LAN connection allows the scope to be controller via a web control panel which is great for interactive control from a host computer but is not much use for automation.

Enter pyvisa.

Hackaday Article

Hackaday published an article Grabbing Data From a Rigol Scope with Python in late November of 2023. It appears that I am not the only one looking to control a Rigol oscilloscope from a host computer.

The article discusses using pyvisa to communicate with a DHO900-series scope not a MSO5000-series scope, let’s see if the same commands will work with the MSO5104.

Communicating With The MSO5104

First up, try to connect to the scope over the LAN:

import pyvisa
visa = pyvisa.ResourceManager('@py')
scope = visa.open_resource('TCPIP::')

So that seemed to work, so let’s try to get the scope to identify itself:


So far, so good, the * characters represent part of the devices serial number. Now let’s try a few commands to see if we can make the scope to do something:


This changes the mode of the scope to single shot and the Single button turned on as if it had been pressed. The return value is the number of characters sent to the scope.


It appears that the original Hackaday article is going to be part of a series of articles as a follow-up article was published a few days later (see Scope GUI Made Easier). This could turn into something useful.

Dell 1320c on Mac OS

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Add Dell 1320c Header

Upgrading machines is always an interesting experience, reinstalling software and drivers. The latest update from an Intel Mac to Apple silicon was no exception. The majority of the process went to plan with the only major issue being the installation of the Dell 1320c printer driver.

Some History

The Dell 1320c printer is a fairly old colour laser printer and this device is about 12 years old but it has seen very light service. Replacing a such a lightly used machine is not only environmentally unfriendly but also an unnecessary expense.

Driver support for this printer has always been patchy on newer machines which is understandable. The trick with this printer is not to install it as a Dell 1320c printer but instead use the Xerox C525 driver.

This year has seen several failed attempts to install the driver on Apple silicon machine with the latest attempt working, hence this post in case it helps others (and also my future self).

Installing the Driver

The driver can be installed by following these steps:

1 – Open the Printer and Scanner Settings

Open the Printer and Scanner settings and click the Add Printer, Scanner or Fax.. button.

Add New Printer

Add New Printer

2 – Add Printer Properties

The printer being installed in a network printer and completing the IP address allows the computer to find the printer and complete some of the printer properties.

Add Printer Dialog

Add Printer Dialog

Two setting need to be changed. The first is the Protocol, this should be set to HP Jetdirect – socket.

The second setting that needs to be changed is the driver. Click the Use drop down and select Select Software…. This will present you with the Printer Software dialog.

3 – Install the Xerox Driver

In the Printer Software dialog, search for C525 and select the Xerox C525 A v3.2 driver.

Printer Software Dialog

Printer Software Dialog

Click the OK button to add the printer.

The only thing is to test the installation by printing a test page.


Getting the Dell 1320c driver installed is not difficult, it is simply a case of knowing the tricks to get it working. This is something that is only performed every few years and hopefully this will help the next time this driver need to be installed on a new machine.

Mac Remote Access

Sunday, October 15th, 2023

SSH Login Command

This blog serves two purposes:

  • Sharing information that I hope is useful to others
  • Aide-Memoire for yours truly

This post falls into the second group, something I’ve done in the past but forgotten.


The current project requires the test environments to be expanded. Several of the environments are running on Raspberry Pi SBC which is feasible now that they are available in volume once again. There is one exception, a Mac Mini with a M1 processor. This environment allows the usual tests to be run in the same manner as the Raspberry Pi boards. It also gives the ability to build the code and attach a debugger to the board invaluable for tests that are known to be failing and need to run for an extended period of time.

This sort of setup is ideal for running headless, no monitor, keyboard or mouse; we can just use MacOS screen sharing and ssh.

What is Wrong?

Enter a new (well secondhand) Mac Mini. Setup went well, attached a keyboard and mouse and ran through the setup process with no issues. Logged on to the Mac and all is well. A few configuration tweaks to enable screen sharing and remote login were required, nothing too complex, just a case of setting the right permissions.

Next step, test the remote connection. Screen sharing started OK and the Mac appeared on the network with file sharing enabled. Time for a reboot.

System rebooted OK, time to browse the network.

The new machine was not showing in the network browser and ssh was able to establish the connection.

Back to the still connected keyboard and mouse to log on. Once logged in the system once again appeared in the network browser and screen sharing and ssh worked flawlessly.

Time for another reboot and the same thing happened, machine booted OK but nothing appeared on the network until a successful login through the attached keyboard and mouse.

The Solution

This is where it gets odd. Apparently, you have to turn FileVault off. That’s right you have to turn the disc encryption off in order to enable fully remote logon.

FileVault is turned on automatically during the MacOS installation processes which makes sense. Disc encryption will make it harder for a malicious actor to recover sensitive information from a machine, so disc encryption on modern machines is good. The side effect of this is that you must logon to the Mac via an attached keyboard before it will turn up on the network.


I have a solution of sorts but I do find it odd that disc encryption must be disabled before remote services can be enabled on the Mac. After all, if you require remote access to a system then you are likely to be putting the physical machine in a location where access is going to be difficult.

Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W Project Templates

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

Pico Template Build Complete

There are somethings in software development that we do not do very often and because we perform the task infrequently we often forget the nuances (well I do). One of these tasks is creating a new project.

In this post we will look at one option for automating this process, GitHub Templates. This work is partially my own work but also a case of bringing together elements of other blog posts and GitHub repositories.

All of the code discussed below can be found in the PicoTemplate repository and this should be used as a reference throughout this post.

Starting a New Project

Several days ago, I was in the process of starting a new project for the Raspberry Pi Pico W using the picotool. For those who are not familiar with this tool is is meant to automate the project creation process for you. You simply tell the tool which features you are going to be using and a few other parameters like board type and it will generate a directory containing all of the necessary code and project files.

Sounds too good to be true. For me it was as no matter which feature list I requested I could not get an application to deploy to the board and talk to the desktop computer over UART or USB.

At this point I decided to take this back to basics and get Blinky up and running. The problem definition became:

  1. C++ application
  2. Blink the onboard LED
  3. Support both Pico and Pico W boards
  4. Standard IO output over UART or USB

It would also be desirable to automate as much of the process as possible.


One complication with the Pico boards is that they both use a different mechanism to access the on board LED. The Pico has the LED wired directly to GPIO 25 whilst the Pico W uses a GPIO from the onboard WiFi / Bluetooth chip (hereafter referred to as just wireless). This means we have different versions of Blinky depending upon which board is selected. This also means that the Pico W board also needs an additional library to support the wireless chip even if we are not using any wireless features.

The simplest way of doing this is to use a template directory to contains the main application code and the project CMakeFileList.txt file for each board. We can then copy the template files for the appropriate board type into the sources directory.

Keeping with the theme of forgetting the nuances, we will add some scripts to perform some common tasks:

  1. Configure the system (copying the files to the correct locations)
  2. Build the application
  3. Flash a board using openocd

Our first task will be to set the system up with the correct main.cpp and CMakeFileList.txt files and put the files in the correct place. Checking the default CMakeFileList.txt file we see that the project is named projectname which is not very informative so the configuration script will also rename the project as well.

The purpose of the build script should be obvious, it will build the application code and also offer the ability to perform a full rebuild if necessary.

The final script will flash the board using openocd using another Raspberry Pi Pico configured as a debug probe. This was discussed a few weeks ago in the post PicoDebugger – Bringing Picoprobe and the PicoW Together. This set up also has the advantage of exposing the default UART to the host computer.

Using the Scripts

Using the scripts is a three step process, one of which is only really performed once.

The first step is to use the script to copy the files and rename the project:

./ -b=picow -n=TestApplication

After running this command the src/main.cpp file will contain the code to blink the LED on a Pico W board and the project will have been renamed TestApplication.

Secondly, we can build the application using the script:


Finally, the application can be deployed to the board using the script.


The UF2 file (in the case above, TestApplication.uf2) can also be copied to the board if a debug probe is not available.

Scope Creep

The story was supposed to end here but this is not going to be the case.

There are some improvements that we can look at to make the system a little more comprehensive. These include:

  1. Add a testing framework
  2. Create a Docker file for build and testing

Both of these items are currently work in progress.


This project has been inspired by several others on github:

  • [Raspberry Pi Pico Examples](
  • [Raspberry Pi Pico Template](


The initial requirement of creating a template for Pico and Pico W development could have been achieved simply by creating two different templates, one for each board type. This would arguably have been quicker and less complex.

The addition of the testing framework and docker container into the requirement would have resulted in some duplication of work in each template. This made bringing the two templates together in one repository more logical as errors or additions in one project type are automatically part of the other board template.