Enhancing the Pluviometer
A previous post looked at measuring rainfall using a pluviometer that generated a pulse for every 0.2794mm of rainfall. The conclusion of that post was that the algorithm used to read the counter could generate a significant error in the right circumstances.
So let’s have a look at what we can do about the error.
Time for an admission, the algorithm used to collect the sensor reading was not as efficient as it could have been. The code read one bit at a time from the MCP23017 chip and built up the 8-bit sensor reading gradually. This reading took approximately 2800us to complete.
This is more than enough time for one or more of the bits to change in the time taken to take the sensor reading.
Fix One – Read 8 Bits in One Go
A more detailed examination of the library for the MCP23-17 reveals methods for reading not only one bit but 8 and 16 bits in a single operation (from a callers pint of view). The point about a callers point of view will become important later.
For a single 8-bit read the application can obtain all of the bits in a single, near instantaneous pass. Reading the counter in this manner takes approximately 480us. Most of this time will be spent setting up the call to the API and talking to the MCP23017 at 100kHz.
So for a single 8-bit read we have reduced the possibility or error caused by the data changing during the time the reading is being made.
Fix Two – Stop the Clock – FAIL
Within the API for the MCP23017 is an additional method for reading both of the registers “at the same time”. This is quoted because the library reads the first 8 bits in one request and then makes a second request for the next 8 bits. The request mechanism is working at 100 kHz and so there is going to be a finite delay between reading the two 8 bit registers. Plenty of time for the values to change.
One solution is to borrow on an old idea from CPU design, namely using a clock to synchronise operations.
Any operation in a CPU is a combination of signals passing from one gate to another, to yet another and so on. Each gate takes a finite amount of time to process any signals and generate a result. This time is know as the propagation delay.
In the case of the pluviometer, the propagation delay is the amount of time needed to read the counter (the registers in the MCP23017).
In a CPU the clock synchronises the signals and output by effectively freezing the state of the system. So, the input to a system might be changing but the use of the clock freezes the output of the CPU until the next clock pulse.
The same idea can be used with the pluviometer but instead of freezing the output we freeze the input while a reading is being made.
The only problem with the implementation being considered was that the switch caused multiple signals to be generated even with the debounce circuit.
Time for a rethink.
Fix Three (or Two Revisited) – Multiple Readings
Stepping away from a problem can often yield an alternative solution as the mind works on the problem subconsciously. The problem is that we could have a reading taken whilst the input signal is changing the value being read. So if a reading is taken twice and the values are the same then we can be confident that the input has not changed provided that the time between the samples is longer then the time taken for the input to change.
A simple solution to the problem.
Software Changes
The software change is minimal, read the input twice until a consistent sample is read, then reset the counter.
A retry counter is also used in order to prevent the reading method from blocking the application.
uint8_t first, second;
byte retryCount = 0;
first = _outputExpander.readGPIO(1);
second = _outputExpander.readGPIO(1);
while ((first != second) && (retryCount < 3));
if (first == second)
_pluviometerPulseCount = first;
_pluviometerPulseCountToday += _pluviometerPulseCount;
_pluviometerPulseCount = 0;
One important point to note is that if the retry count exceeds three, then the method exist but sets the current count to zero without resetting the pluviometer counter (hardware). This allows the rainfall measurement to continue and allow for the reading not to be distorted.
A couple of minor software changes have improved the reliability of the pluviometer samples. There is still the chance of missing a single sample (0.2794mm) for every time the counter is read.
A further enhancement would be to increase the time between samples. This could be done by taking a measurement every hour (or more) or to accumulate the readings over a long time (say a day) and reset the counter once a day.
Tags: Electronics, Internet of Things, Software Development
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