Making the Cube

For the majority of June I was working on making the LED cube featured in my previous post. The next few posts will cover making the cube and writing the software which controls it.

The initial post of the cube working first appeared on the Netduino forums in early July. As you can see, it received some good responses.

This project will require the following materials:

Description Quantity
LEDs (use which ever colour floats your boat – I went for blue) 512
74HC595 Shift Registers 8
74HC238 3 to 8 line decoder 1
Netduino Mini 1
16 Pin DIL Socket 9
24 Pin DIL Socket (0.6″) 1
TIP122 NPN Transistor 8
100nF Ceramic Capacitor 10
2.2K Resistor 8
68 Ohm 0.25W Resistor (you may need to change these depending upon the LED you choose) 64
8 Way Single Row Socket 8
36 Way Header Strip (Straight) 2
2 Way Single Row Socket 2
2 Way PCB Mount Terminal Connector 1
8 Way Ribbon Cable 2.5 metres
Wire and connectors Miscellaneous
Pad board 160 x 115 Hole 1
Hex PCB spaces, M3 threaded and M3 screw 4

As well as the above you will need the following items:

  • 5V Power capable of delivering 2A;
  • Solder – I used about 15 metres over the life of this project;
  • Wood to make a template.

As well as the physical items you will need a fair amount of patience and good attention to detail. There are a lot of repetitive tasks in this project. The method is detailed in the three articles listed at the head of this article.

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Sunday, March 18th, 2012 at 5:05 pm • Electronics, NetduinoRSS 2.0 feed Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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