Developers Like New Toys

So it has been a week or so since Visual Studio 2010 was released in the wild and the verdict is that it is a great step forward.  It is amazing how simple things like pinable data tips make your life as a developer a lot easier.

One thing I have found irritating is the fact that you need Sharepoint installed in order to use the reporting facilities in Team Foundation Server (TFS).  This is not so much of a problem in a team environment as you are normally using servers to host TFS but it is a bind in a single developer environment.  For those of you who are not aware, Sharepoint will not install on Vista or Windows 7 running on a 32 bit machine.  This is a problem for me when experimenting as the environment where I test my ideas before implementing them is Windows 7 32-bit.  Looks like I’ll be rebuilding an old 64-bit machine in the near future.  On the up side, it will allow me to look at Sharepoint 2010 which has recently been added to MSDN.  As I say, all developers like new toys :).

Update: 25/04/2010

A recent blog posing by Shai Raiten suggests that Sharepoint can be installed on Windows 7 32-bit.  At the end of the post it suggested that an advanced installation was possible (note the Advanced button is highlighted) but this generated several errors.  I have since read the full article on Bamboo Solutions web site and followed their instructions and I now have WSS3.0 SP1 installed on my laptop.  Now all I have to do is get the reporting services working.


Friday, December 31st, 2010 at 5:13 pm • Software DevelopmentRSS 2.0 feed Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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