How much would you pay?

One of the joys of being a hobbyist is the fact that you can take a project as far as you want to. Something really fun nearly always remains fun and does not make any money. As long as it’s a hobby it does not really matter.

So what do you do when you want to make money from your hobby. This is the question which Michael Ciuffo of ch00ftech found himself addressing with his QR Clock project earlier this year.

I’d check out The Slowest $380 I’ll Ever Make post for advice on the pros and cons of taking a hobby idea from concept to production.

Regular readers will know that I rarely post links to other peoples work but I feel that I should share this post as much of the post resonates with me. The Output Expander project was for me a great exercise as I had never taken a project from concept through to professional PCB manufacture. Having done this I was left with a simple question – could I make some extra money from this?

I think Michael’s post answers this question and it’s well worth reading.

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