Weather Station Update (5 June 2016)

The proof of concept for the weather station is progressing well but the breadboard is a little fragile:

Breadboard Weather Station

Breadboard Weather Station

Time to move on to the next stage, protoboard.

Quick schematic courtesy of KiCAD:

Weather Station Schematic

Weather Station Schematic

One thing to note in the schematic is that the project is rapidly using up the limited number of pins on the Oak. On with the protoboard, five hours of soldering later:

Protoboard Weather Station

Protoboard Weather Station

The project is already using an output expander to read the rain gauge. It might be time to think about the expansion options. To this end, the bottom right corner of the protoboard has space to experiment with a second microcontroller. It may be possible to replace the output expander and the additional ADC board with a cheaper option.


Putting the project in a more permanent state is a step forward. There are still some unanswered questions such as the use of the ADC or a second microcontroller but progress is being made.

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Sunday, June 5th, 2016 at 12:03 pm • Electronics, ESP8266RSS 2.0 feed Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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